Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Free Albin Kurti!

It's amazing how little discussion there has been in Kosovo on the coming status of the country. Very little information was revealed during the negotiating process, and any one that attempted to raise concerns was shouted down. The problem was that the negotiating team comprised of all the major political parties, creating the much seeked unity team but leaving no room for disagreement. All the significant political parties were complicit in the deal, they were all invested in it. Out of Kosovo's future were left the brazen Vetevendosje movement on the street and virtually the whole Kosovo population tired of the present and apprehensive of the future yet cajoled into staying quiet at home.

Afraid of instability and uncertain of their civic potential, Kosovars agreed to stay quiet. International community helped prod this apathy for the last 14 months of negotiations and not much else. Not surprisingly today the three most respected institutions in Kosovo are KFOR, Kosovo Protections Corps, and Kosovo Police Service. Having thrown out one criminal security apparatus we became mesmerized by our own police and army.

And Albin Kurti has become new Kosova's first political prisoner. He is locked up because he has the guts to stray clear of the herd. Because my people get very scared when non-conformist opinions are voiced. They would rather shout his voice down, than deal with the insecurities facing them. During trial in Serbia in 2000, he told the Serb judge: "I do not recognize this court, I can only be tried by a court of my people. I do not recognize this court just as I do not recognize Serbia nor Yugoslavia." Unfortunately his people have failed Albin.

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