Monday, October 22, 2007

Cautious optimism from Belgrade team

Another Vienna meeting with varying results depending on who you talk to. Belgrade team is "cautiously optimistic." Kosovo PM thinks talks are going nowhere and a correspondent for Kosovo's public broadcaster reports thus:

Unconstructive atmosphere. Serbs have reacted furiously to the Troika proposal criticizing every single point. Serbs engaged in a fierce debate with the Troika with the Troika-Belgrade meeting lasting for an unusually long time. Jeremic declared that today is decisive for the continuation of talks.  

Kosovo team has nothing against the proposals. Most of the points mentioned in the document are already in the "Good Neighbors" proposal.

Of course, what Kosovo team don't say is what is missing from the document, which is independence of any kind. This is understandable considering that the Russians would not agree to that and probably leave the process. Serbia does not want to discuss the finer points of the Kosovo-Serbia relations out of the fear that this will be accepted as some sort of agreement and despite the fact that those relations will have to be established even if Serbia's position is accepted wholeheartedly.

It seems that getting rid of UN Resolution 1244 is a very much a possibility under some sort of a temporary solution.  With that, later in 2008 select countries may proceed to unilaterally establish relations with an independent Kosovo. In the mean time until 10 December, we are back again to renegotiating the content of the Ahtisaari plan, and we know that that path is a dead end. Currently we are in between a dead end and and a closed road, so help us God!

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