Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The big dilemma

Letters sent by the late Serb PM Zoran Dindic back in February 2003 reveal that Dindic since then was worriying that Kosovo was slipping away. The comments show the big dilemma that Serb politicians have been facing in the last seven years: if Kosovo works out, it proves her ability to fuction independently, if it doesn't work out, local Serbs get the blame.

...[Late Serb PM Zoran] Đinđić then believed that the worst thing that Serbia can do is wait, because the situation will get better in the meantime and people will take that as evidence that the institutions of an independent Kosovo can function properly, and if the situation does not get better, a massive exodus of Serbs from the region will ensue.

In March 2004 riots erupted targeting UN and local Serbs for hampering the
progress towards independence.

1 comment:

bytycci said...

well, they killed him...