Monday, September 24, 2007

Frost Over The World - Vuk 2.0

The very bright and young Serbian foreign minister gets a free ride on Al Jazeera. He withdraws Serbia's threat to Kosovo from a few days before the show and then throws in a doomsday scenario for all the Balkans. Admittedly, he's not sure of its of yet.

Serbia once again worried for the Balkans?! It breaks my heart.

Seriously now. When will we see a Kosovo-Serbia status smackdown on TV? I now it won't happen on RTK or RTS. Al Jazeera perhaps? How about Jeta of BIRN?

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Anonymous said...

Not all the Balkans, the Western Balkans. And he certainly wasn't at all specific. No mention of which countries might be involved. Or perhaps he just meant within national borders? It can't as he's just said no use of force in Kosova.

So is he predicting some sort of dust-up with Montenegro? It's a lovely game working out what politician's are saying, even if it's not so much of a game living with the consequences.

WARchild said...


Nothing will happen. It's pure fear mongering. There is no way anybody (including Kosova) will get independence unless at least some of the big powers will recognize that independence.

Greece fearing a mess in Macedonia if Kosovo gets independent is ridiculous when considering that Skopje is the second most avid supporter of our independence.

Nothing Kosovars do or don't do will change the minds of Turkish Cypriots.