Wednesday, August 29, 2007

B92 - Slovenia concerned over Kosovo

[Slovenia Foreign Minister Rupel] said that the problem and confusion concerning the province’s status needed to be cleared up.

“That status was, in the time of Yugoslavia, practically identical to the status of a republic that no one stopped from becoming a state,” Rupel said.

Rupel makes a good point. Amids the fierce armed opposition from Serbia at the breakup of Yugoslavia, International Community (Badinter Commission) took the easy way out and declared that only the Republics had the legal right to secede, all but one of which had already done so. Would Kosovo going its way as well been too much for Serbia to stomach? In our case the answer was simple at that time: Kosovo couldn't risk it going to war at that moment.

I wonder what Miss Teen South Carolina would think of this technicality?  

Source: B92 - News - Politics - Slovenia concerned over Kosovo

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