Saturday, June 16, 2007

Police brutality in Greece

Two emigrants from Albania are forced to beat and ethnically insult each other by a policeman at an Athens police station. Three other policemen watch, and of course, use the cellphone to record. This is just the top of the iceberg. Racism against Albanians in Greece is pervasive, with many of them being forced to convert and change ethnic identify to be allowed to stay in Greece. This wouldn't be so shocking if Greece wasn't an EU country.

Through Vrima e çelësit


Anonymous said...

I'm not clear why he's taking it out on the bloke in red while the one in blue seems to be let off relatively lightly. And I wonder why the man with the cameraphone is so careful to avoid letting the man who leaves the room be identified but isn't worried about the "interrogator" being clearly recognisable.

The Greek police used to have a reputation for beating people on the soles of the feet (?falanga), but that was before EU entry.

Maybe this is the sort of thing they do well at instead of investigatng child abductions properly (Ben Needham case still waiting to be solved after 16 years).

WARchild said...


I'm not sure. I think it's because one of them is not hitting hard enough so he's getting punished more.